My children, I cry out with my maternal voice to the whole world. The Last Trumpets of Heaven are sounding to call all men to repentance and conversion. The Last Trumpet is heard in my Calls to Love and Conversion, and these messages are to gather my Faithful Remnant and prepare my Marian Army.
My children, the world is living in critical times and many of my children do not realise the urgency of this time. It is the time of decision. It is the time of confirmation. It is the time to say 'yes' or to say 'no'. My Son Jesus Christ sends me to gather his Faithful Remnant before his return.
My children, take refuge in my Immaculate Heart because time is no longer time; the instant is running out. And Satan, like a roaring lion, is losing many souls of Grace.
My children, the fight against the Red Dragon has already begun. Put on the armor of the Christian: The Holy Rosary in your hands, the Eucharist in your heart; live by the Word and prayer. With this, and with the help of my Immaculate Heart, prepare your little hearts, prepare your families, to decide for Jesus Christ.
My Immaculate Heart rejoices to see how many souls respond to my Maternal Call. Today, I call on the Army of the Apostles of the End Times to be courageous and firm, to zealously proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only God and Lord. The Co-Redemptrix of your soul intercedes for the world.
Thank you, my children, for responding to my Call. Prepare your homes as Marian Refuges.
My children, live my Messages and obey what I ask of you so that the darkness does not surprise you and that you may not be attacked by the wolves that Satan will unleash to attack my little ones.
I love you and bless you with the joy of Easter.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
