Little nothing:
Just as I manifested the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, united in the Garden of Eden, as the Alliance of Reparation and Reconciliation of the human race, with Me, the Tender and Merciful Father; in the same way, now, I send the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary to manifest themselves in an Opus Magnum of Love.
The Sacred Hearts of the Mother and the Son, with the power of the Holy Spirit and according to the plans of my Divine Will, have realized the Alliance of Reconciliation in a concrete way and a concrete spirituality: the Opus Magnum of the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Jesus and Mary, in a very special way, through this Work, are in your midst to lead you to renewal through the Eucharistic Alliance with me, your Father.
The whole world's hope is placed in this Eucharistic, Marian, and Evangelical Alliance. And, through your little nothing, the Incarnate Word and the Immaculate Mother wish to convey these Last Warnings to Love and Conversion to the hearts of men.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
