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April 19, 2015 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

My Pierced Heart of Sorrow.

Look, my little servant, my heart pierced with sorrow for all the offenses the Lord receives from ungrateful humanity with his love.

My dear child, I invite you to give yourself in oblation as my Lord Jesus Christ did. My little one, consolidate this in your little heart, the Graces of Heaven are being poured into your spirit. Be born of the spirit in faith, you will truly see my heart.

My dear child, you are hidden and you live in me. It is not necessary, little one, to come to a place when I can reach your soul and speak from your little heart to my children. I am dressing you from the sun little by little. I am converting you, consecrating you as the special son of Fatima.

Behold, my dear child, the Work. This Apostolate that Jesus and I have entrusted to you is the culmination of every work, because with this Apostolate I want to gather my Church and my Army as one people, united in one cause, to extend the Kingdom of God and Mary.

This Kingdom, dear child, must first be spread in the souls of my children. The Kingdom of God, that is, his presence, is among you, so I ask you to persevere in prayer, because prayer makes this Kingdom germinate in your little hearts.

Dear child, the Church was born from our United Sacred Hearts, Sorrowful and Victorious, and now it is time for me to return to our United Sacred Hearts. My Son presented you with the final Tablet of Salvation in his Divine Mercy. I now reveal to you the Ark of Salvation from my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, only those who board this boat will be sheltered, protected, preserved. Bring this grace into your homes, into the world. By praying, praying and fasting in sacrifice, let us fight together to extend the Empire of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, King of the Universe.

Therefore, I ask you to gather in prayer for it is in my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart that you are gathered. Through you, my little bud, Elijah of Mount Carmel, the last tear for the souls I shed in my maternal love, I wish to rekindle the zeal, the charity, the commitment that every Christian has. This is a warning Call for souls. It is time, dear souls, that you wake up from your sleep.

And now you, my little one, proclaim, defend, teach and fight for the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Mary.  Thank you for giving me your whole being, even to the point of suffering beside me. With my Son Jesus, great wonders the Lord has done with you, my little prophet servant. Nothing will be able to separate you from our United Sacred Hearts.

In my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, Ark of Salvation, be blessed.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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