Dear children, I come to repeat my call of Garabandal, but now, for my Faithful Remnant. Be obedient and docile to the Holy Spirit and follow my maternal advice step by step lest the enemy lead you astray from the Immaculate Heart.
My children, be good, be holy, be perfect in the love of God, in the love of your neighbor, in the love of your salvation. Make much sacrifice, prayer and penance so that the Sacred Heart of my Son may be consoled.
My children, the Holy Rosary pours out many graces for all humanity. When you pray, you offer yourselves together with me at the foot of the Cross. That is why prayer is of importance for my Faithful Remnant because to pray is to unite yourselves to my crucified Son Jesus; it is to accept me as Mother at the foot of the Cross; it is to become beloved disciples of our United Hearts.
My children, the world is on the path to perdition as a consequence of its ignorance and rejection of the Calls of the Lord, but I come to call the children of Israel, the children of the Church because I do not want the followers of my Son also to go astray and be lost, but just as my Son entrusted the primitive Church to me, in the same way I now care for the pilgrim Church.
My children, live my messages, be good, give yourselves as a living host in sacrifice on the altar, drink with my Son from the cup of Gethsemane that you may live united to his Sacred Heart and nourish yourselves with his Divine Will.
My children, as I love you, I promised you three great events, but they will be fulfilled in God's hour. My Faithful Remnant, just obey and trust in Me, your Mother, that everything I announce to you and the Lord sends is for the good of your souls.
I love you. Thank you for being obedient to my messages.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
