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April 21, 2015 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

The little Army of Mary.

My dear children, I am your Heavenly Mother who today come to consecrate you as my little Marian Army that will bring the Kingdom of Jesus and Mary to the world.

My dear children, I invite you to participate in this culminating work for these times.

My dear children, it is necessary that you open your hearts with faith and that you renew yourselves every day in the action of the Charity of the Holy Spirit in order to be transformed and become a living image of Jesus.

Every day, dear children, is a struggle, but that struggle brings graces for you to persevere, to purify and cleanse also, by your prayer, the whole world. Pray, dear children, pray for the conversion of the whole world. Pray, dear children, pray for the conversion of sinners. Pray for peace, for the peace of the whole world. Pray for the Church of Christ. My dear children, be faithful to the call of prayer, penance, sacrifice and fasting, so that you may be soldiers and disciples of Christ.

Today I pour out abundant graces on your little hearts, on your families, on your homes. Today I consecrate you to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as his disciples.

Pray, dear children, and do not be afraid because I, your Mother in Heaven, am with each one of you. Open your hearts to peace, to the action of the Holy Spirit and climb up to the Ark of Salvation which is my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, praying the Holy Rosary, living my messages. And now I am asking you, as another petition, dear children, to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays on bread and water so that you may strengthen yourselves in the life of faith, also to atone for the sins of the world and the conversion of sinners.

Pray, dear children, pray for the mission which I am giving you so that all of you may respond to my calls. My Son Jesus loves you and gives you his blessing. My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart opens for all of you to take refuge in it. Thank you for responding to my Call.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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