Dear children, many graces from Heaven come into the world when you pray.
Dear children, many graces from heaven come to the world when you pray with faith, from the heart, and with love because God is love.
Dear children, I invite you to be transformed by the love of Jesusso that your life may be a continuous praise and glory to the love of the Father who has loved you to the end until He gives his only Son, Jesus Christ, in remission of all the sins of the world.
Dear children, surrender your lives to God; do not be afraid to surrender to him. The Word of my Son: You must read it daily so that you can be guided and live in these times of darkness.
Pray, pray, pray for Asia, pray for Brazil, pray for Mexico, pray for Nicaragua. Console my Father with your life of prayer and sacrifice. Renounce, dear children, your will, your tastes, your plans. Surrender yourselves to my Son Jesus, and because he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, He will lead you to the Father’s Kingdom, where you will be happy eternally.
Amen to the truth, to your brothers and God, because salvation lies in love. Because God is love.
I love you, and I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.
