Praise be to the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Little caterinate:
Jesus, the beloved Spouse of your soul, and Our Lady fixed upon your nothingness their merciful eyes. So beloved are you by their Two Hearts that they obtained from the Tender and Merciful Father the extraordinary grace of giving humanity a final gift: the gift of the Alliance of Jesus and Mary. This Alliance of the Lamb with the Woman Clothed with the Sun is the life of the Mother and the Son in time and eternity, a constant Fiat.
Therefore, this Alliance is made palpable, and the Holy Spirit gives it, through you, to the Church and to the whole world through the apostolate, a charism.
This gift of the Alliance of Jesus and Mary was not to be given to humanity. It is an extraordinary gift, an extremism of God’s love. It is the last Ark of Salvation, and that is why they are the Last Calls to Love and Conversion.
Thank you, little caterinate, because you always say ‘yes’ to what the Divine Spouse asks of you.
With my intercession, I, Catherine of Siena, bless you. And I bless all those who hear this Call and unite themselves to the Alliance of Reconciliation: The Two United Hearts of Jesus Christ and Our Lady.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
