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April 4, 2014 – Call to Love and Conversion Saint Pio of Pietrelcina

From the breaking of our selfish heart in Mary’s Most Holy Womb.

I, Brother Pio of Pietrelcina, come to speak to you about the Immaculate Womb of Most Holy Mary. My spiritual son, today I come to speak to you regarding the hearts that abandon themselves to this fathomless sea of grace, heaven, and consolation for the souls. The Divine Spirit broke the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary with so many trials and sorrows. She was not exempt from pain, from human misery. She was human; was a creature, but free of sin. The Holy Mother, my son, allowed to be guided by the Lord. Jesus was for the Holy Mother, the school of Grace and Love that from her Womb was formed. The Holy Mother since the Incarnation began to serve (since it is and was her mission); serve the souls, the Love, the Treasure, which came out from the Father’s Heart.

The Holy Mother never wanted to be served, even more; the Holy Mother was always a Servant of the Lord that with her love and her pain pleased the Father. In the same manner, my brothers and sisters, you must please the Father, with your life of oblation, with your surrender as victim soul. Those who want to enter to this spiritual stage must assume, son, the pain and the suffering, the humiliation, the denial, the breaking of their spirit to exist only in Jesus, who loves us. So, my son, you will be able to get closer to this school of teaching, the Womb of the Holy Mother, where all heart is molded and formed to the Will and Decision of the Father. Only like this we will be pleasing to the Father.

I give you my Priestly Blessing. Amen.

Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin.


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