Victorious Mother
Behold, dear child, the heart of your Mother who loves so much, your victorious Mother who has crushed the head of the serpent and conquered (with Graces) sin. My dear child, today I desire to reveal to your heart the graces of my presence of Holy Mary of Victories. When I presented myself to my son Bernard, it was my Heart that wanted to stay with this people who have suffered so much and are in need of the Lord’s Mercy.
I ask you to enter into God and confess your faith so that the people may once again love the Church and the Sacred. I crossed the door to represent that I, with my Maternal Love, want to go through the spiritually closed doors of this people and of many suffering souls, but even so, these souls do not wish to reach the love of my Son Jesus to whom I presented them wounded by so much rejection, indifference and denial of his redeeming love.
Open your hearts so that our United Sacred Hearts may enter within you and make our temple there. For the Kingdom of God is in you but you must still discover it through prayer, sacrifice and penance.
By asking for the help of the Holy Spirit you will succeed in discerning and entering into our presence by always receiving Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar in the state of grace.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.