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August 13, 2016 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Dear children, I invite you to pray for the whole Church of My Son so that the Holy Spirit may continue to guide it, enlighten it and show it the truth of the Gospel of My Son.

Pray for the Holy Father because the responsibility is great on his shoulders and the suffering is great. Pray for the bishops and priests, especially for those who believe in My Words and live with love and faith the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, because these souls consecrated to My Immaculate Heart are the most persecuted, humiliated, rejected, and suffered, because the enemy is making war on the children of My Maternal Love. Pray, little ones, pray always for the whole Church, and pray for the whole Little Faithful Remnant of Our Sacred Hearts.

Dear children, pray for the Church throughout the world. Through prayer, love will increase, and you will live in peace; but constant prayer, reading the Word of God, fasting, and the sacraments are necessary.

I am with you and my Son Jesus loves you. I give you My maternal blessing; in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin.


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