Peace and joy receive from our United Sacred Hearts.
Beloved little children, I wish to shed light on a very important subject: the structures of the Apostolate's coordinations in all areas.
The Statutes are like the Holy Rule of Life that we have given to our apostles. Apostles, the Statutes are an extension of the Ten Commandments to live a life of prayer, love, and obedience. Therefore, all branches, fraternities, crusades, and cenacles—in a word, the entire Apostolate—must adhere to the guidelines of the holy Statutes.
A coordinator, a vice-coordinator, a secretary, a treasurer, a spiritual director, and a vice-spiritual director as established by the Holy Rule for all the branches and areas of the Apostolate.
All, out of love and out of obedience, must adhere to the Statutes and do what the Statutes tell them to do.
Beloved little children, all the work of the Apostolate is already done in the Statutes, and you must only adhere to them.
Work as we indicate, that all obey them out of love, without arrogance, without pride, without false humility.
All must adhere to the holy Statutes because the work is already done in them; they must only obey them and put them into practice.
Stick to the Statutes in every area of the Apostolate.
That is the answer to everything and all the points that are coming, and that will come: stick to the statutes, and in this way, you will fulfill our intentions.
Share it with all the Coordinations.
I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
