My Sacred and Sorrowful Passion was not only lived in Jerusalem from the Garden to the Sepulchre, I also suffered my condemnation in your hearts. Reflect how many times have you denied me as Peter did? But Peter repented. How many souls have preferred the goods of the earth and sold Jesus as Judas did?
How many times have those who call themselves my friends behaved as the soldiers of the Temple, or the soldiers of the Governor? How many times have your hearts had the attitude of Caiaphas, of Annas, and of those who insulted me? How many men have fallen into the mistake of betraying me and washing their hands?
Humanity, “my lament is Eternal”. I am God and I am in glory, but also “I am Redeemer” and I suffer for those whom I love, souls that have been trapped by deafness, muteness, and disobedience.
Children, think more of my Passion. My Passion is not only to see myself crucified, but my Passion is also to feel my feelings, to feel the pain when I was pierced by my hands and feet. How many are discouraged by the weight of the mission, and I carried a Cross. The only thing that motivated me to follow Calvary was the knowledge that I would cancel your debts.
Men! Why don’t you value that? I have given my life for you, again and again. Now in the Holy Mass I give my Life for you.
How I long for you to change your hearts! But I as God can only teach, correct; freedom is in you, you are the ones who harm yourselves. Until when will you hear my message? Reflect a little on my sorrow, every day, and when you think of what I suffered for all, because I love you all immensely, no human being is out of my look of mercy.
Think more about my suffering. And of the apostles of my heart, I want mercy! I want you to practice mercy.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.