My dear children, pray continually and ask in your prayers for the Gift of the Holy Spirit so that the Spirit of God may make a Tabernacle of Love for My Son Jesus in your hearts.
Dear children, it is important that you pray for the Power that comes from the Holy Spirit so that you may act according to His Divine Wisdom in accordance with the Divine Will of My Son.
In these end times, my children need the Power of the Holy Spirit to act radically in living the Gospel that my Son has taught you.
Ask the Holy Spirit that you may be a testimony of peace and love, beginning in your families. Ask for the Holy Spirit in order to receive the Light of Heaven and to be able to distinguish between the deceptions of the enemy and the straight path.
My Immaculate Heart is the Fount of the Holy Spirit. Ask the Spirit of God, through My Immaculate Heart, to fill your hearts.
Dear children, I give you Peace. Pray always for the Church. I bless you, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary, most pure, conceived without original sin.