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August 22, 2016 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Holy Mary Queen of the Universe

Little apostles of My Immaculate Heart, as Queen of the Universe and Mother of the King, I bring My Hands full of Graces, Gifts and many spiritual and heavenly Blessings to all My children from the King, Jesus Christ.

Dear children, when the Holy Trinity crowned Me and declared Me Queen of all creation, all creation was consecrated by God the Father to My Immaculate Heart. The Blood of My Son Jesus sealed this Eternal Consecration and the Holy Spirit began to act more powerfully in the Lord’s creatures, because My Immaculate Heart was the Door that opened to allow man and God to be united in Holy Love.

That is why now it is necessary for My little children to renew their consecration to My Heart every day, just as today the earth is totally given to My Immaculate Heart, My Divine Motherhood as Universal Queen, embraces all creation, especially men, the Father’s adopted children by Holy Baptism.

Dear children, and when your hearts are truly given to My Immaculate Heart, the Holy Spirit will make My children true apostles of Our Sacred Hearts. The Holy Spirit will renew your baptismal consecration and encourage you to live the Gospel of Jesus and to reaffirm your faith in the Divine Redeemer.

Dear children, as Queen of the Universe I bring you the precious gift of the Holy Spirit to dwell in you and make you true disciples of the Heart of My Son and preach with your testimony of life with love, with humility, the Good News of My Son.

The Queen intercedes before the King for his People. I bless you, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children, read chapter 2 of the Book of Esther.

Hail Mary, most pure, conceived without original sin.

New Jerusalem Bible – Book of Esther, Chapter 2

1 Some time after this, when the king’s wrath had subsided, Ahasuerus remembered Vashti, how she had behaved, and the measures taken against her.

2 The king’s gentlemen-in-waiting said, ‘A search should be made on the king’s behalf for beautiful young virgins,

3 and the king appoint commissioners throughout the provinces of his realm to bring all these beautiful young virgins to the citadel of Susa, to the harem under the authority of Hegai the king’s eunuch, custodian of the women. Here he will give them whatever they need for enhancing their beauty,

4 and the girl who pleases the king can take Vashti’s place as queen.’ This advice pleased the king and he acted on it.

5 Now in the citadel of Susa there lived a Jew called Mordecai son of Jair, son of Shimei, son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin,

6 who had been deported from Jerusalem among the captives taken away with Jeconiah king of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,

7 and was now bringing up a certain Hadassah, otherwise called Esther, his uncle’s daughter, who had lost both father and mother; the girl had a good figure and a beautiful face, and on the death of her parents Mordecai had adopted her as his daughter.

8 On the promulgation of the royal command and edict a great number of girls were brought to the citadel of Susa where they were entrusted to Hegai. Esther, too, was taken to the king’s palace and entrusted to Hegai, the custodian of the women.

9 The girl pleased him and won his favour. Not only did he quickly provide her with all she needed for her dressing room and her meals, but he gave her seven special maids from the king’s household and transferred her and her maids to the best part of the harem.

10 Esther had not divulged her race or parentage, since Mordecai had forbidden her to do so.

11 Mordecai walked up and down in front of the courtyard of the harem all day and every day, to learn how Esther was and how she was being treated.

12 Each girl had to appear in turn before King Ahasuerus after a delay of twelve months fixed by the regulations for the women; this preparatory period was occupied as follows: six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with spices and lotions commonly use for feminine beauty treatment.

13 When each girl went to the king, she was given whatever she wanted to take with her, since she then moved from the harem into the royal household.

14 She went there in the evening, and the following morning returned to another harem entrusted to the care of Shaashgaz, the king’s officer, custodian of the concubines. She did not go to the king any more, unless he was particularly pleased with her and had her summoned by name.

15 But when it was the turn of Esther the daughter of Abihail, whose nephew Mordecai had adopted her as his own daughter, to go into the king’s presence, she did not ask for anything beyond what had been assigned her by Hegai, the king’s officer, custodian of the women. Esther won the approval of all who saw her.

16 She was brought to King Ahasuerus in his royal apartments in the tenth month, which is called Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign;

17 and the king liked Esther better than any of the other women; none of the other girls found so much favour and approval with him. So he set the royal diadem on her head and proclaimed her queen instead of Vashti.

18 The king then gave a great banquet, Esther’s banquet, for all his officers-of-state and ministers, decreed a holiday for all the provinces and distributed largesse with royal prodigality.

19 When Esther, like the other girls, had been transferred to the second harem,

20 she did not divulge her parentage or race, in obedience to the orders of Mordecai, whose instructions she continued to follow as when she had been under his care.

21 At this time Mordecai was attached to the Chancellery and two malcontents, Bigthan and Teresh, officers in the king’s service as Guards of the Threshold, plotted to assassinate King Ahasuerus.

22 Mordecai came to hear of this and informed Queen Esther, who in turn, on Mordecai’s authority, told the king.

23 The matter was investigated and proved to be true. The two conspirators were sent to the gallows, and the incident was recorded in the Annals, in the royal presence.


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