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August 28, 2014 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sacred and Agonizing Heart of Jesus

The one who truly loves me.

Jesus: Son, this is My Sacred Heart speaking. O Manuel of my Agonizing Heart, I want to teach you that those who truly love Me, are these little ones, the humble ones in accepting my correction in My Sacred Heart for their lives. Son, those who love Me are dying little by little to themselves, they are the ones who intertwine their gaze with Mine.

The instrument: How do they do it, Jesus? Intertwine the gazes?

Jesus: My beloved Manuel, are those who are able to see me in their brothers, the most lost, blind of soul and sick. They are the children of my Sacred Heart who do not judge, but love and yet denounce sin and injustice. O Manuel, little one of My Sacred Heart, those who love follow My Commandments. My Commandments rule their lives, they love My Precepts and fear to offend Me in order not to wound My Sacred Heart.

My little Manuel, the world does not know that My Will is My Doctrine in the Holy Scriptures. Live in the Love of God and neighbor.

The instrument: How can we come to sincerely love our neighbor?

Jesus: Dear child, love of neighbor is born as the fruit of true love of God. Children of my Sacred Heart, how much I love you; I did not judge the world but I died so that the world may have Life in abundance.

Ask for the help of My Holy Spirit, for the world does not yet know Him. Ask My Holy Spirit, that He may establish in each one the Reign of the United Sacred Hearts. Seek My Kingdom. Ask for the Holy Spirit to make My Sacred Heart Reign in your beings and all else will be added. I love you all and I love you, little one of My Sacred Heart.

The instrument: I love you Jesus; I want to love you more and I will never offend you.

Jesus: Love Me, love My Commandments and with My Love you will avoid all sin forever with Me, My bud and lily of My Mother’s sorrowful Heart.

The instrument: O Jesus, with You forever. Amen.

Jesus: Evangelize, go and announce!


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