God the Father:
My son, write.
My little son, dearly beloved, I Am the Father of Light, who rejoices in your littleness. Thus, little one, offer me your whole being. I am your beloved Father. Son, continue, do not get tired of transmitting my Words.
My Words, whether you like it or not, will be Light for these times. Oh, my love, my son, the apple of my eye! I, your Father, love you. I, your Father, love you. I love men.
Foolish men who, in the morning, think of righteousness and, in the evening, think of sin. How long will you be faithful to me? My Hand cannot bear it and longs to unburden itself and purify my Creation; more, my mercy is even greater, and I await an answer from my children.
Tell them, mystic of your Father, ABBA: conversion is what I want, holiness and perfection is what I ask.
I love you, and your beloved and beautiful Mother, Mary, loves you. Amen.
Read and pray with Psalm 25