In prayer you will find the key.
My Sacred Heart is poured out over the world, opening a way of love, mercy, and grace.
Dear humanity, enter My Sacred Heart today. In prayer, you will find the key to open this door of immense Love that the sin of men has closed.
In this Sacred Mansion, your defects and sins, which are the non-love, pride, and arrogance of life, will be purified with the Flame of the Burning Charity. Light up, generation, in My Fire of Love because the days of mercy will give way to Justice!
Let the tabernacle be inaugurated in each soul where My Eucharistic Heart will rest, waiting for the rising of the New Humanity in Christ, in Me. Everything that will be redeemed will be restored.
O humanity, abandon sin, open your hearts to me, I come to announce that the Glorious Kingdom of Holiness and Justice will come.
To this end, I will awaken the consciences dormant in sin. Awaken Israel from time!
Pray very much for priests, consecrated menand women, and religious men and women. Work to spread My Love. May these Words comfort you in these times of tribulation.
Three years will come of spiritual struggle, three years of inner purification, to give to the purification of the world. Pray much; many priests will fall. Be vigilant.
I want the unity of the apostles of the end times to proclaim the Triumph and the Reign of Our Two United Hearts. Pray for China, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Ivory Coast.
Mission, dear children, of My Sacred Heart and announce that prayer, sacrifice, and penance prepare the straight path where His Lord will return. Jesus loves you, my little Manuel, little custodian of My Sacred Heart. Warn the world that my Kingdom is near, and that conversion is necessary.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary, Most Pure conceived without sin.
