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The grace effect of prayer and My Words

Dear child of My Sacred Heart, I come before you to instruct your little soul and bring My Redeemer Spirit closer to you.

Little child of My Sacred Heart, today I want to teach you about prayer. The world does not know how to pray, and you do not know how to pray. Ask for strength and guidance from the Paraclete I have sent you. The Divine Holy Spirit will teach you how to pray.

Prayer, my little one, prepares the soul as the sower prepares the soil before throwing away the seed so that it will be fruitful. The Holy Spirit acts within them as they pray with faith and devotion. Love of prayer is the key to their receiving these flows of grace and mercy. The Divine Holy Spirit walks in their souls through prayer, preparing this spiritual soil.

When you pray, my little ones, you become a lightning rod of love and grace for you and all mankind. Before listening to Me in the Sacred Scriptures and in these Sacred Calls to Love and Conversion for all humanity, invoke God the Holy Spirit so that He may dwell in you. Thus, my little one, do not allow My Holy Word to fall on barren ground.

The Divine Spirit acts so that this earth (that is, my little one, your soul, and your prayer from the heart) will be fruitful, fertile, and productive so that the Holy Word spread will not ascend to the Throne of the Eternal Father without bearing fruit from an abundant harvest.

Pray, dear children, that the graces and mercies I pour into your souls may bear fruit. Pray like this, my little one, crying out to my Spirit:

O Sacred Heart of Jesus! Enkindle my heart with the Fire of Perfect Charity. May your Divine Spirit, given to men at Pentecost, dwell in me; make within me a place prepared with fervor, a good and fertile soil that will receive the Sacred Seed of your Word and will bear fruit in time.

Dear Holy Mother of God and Our Mother, help me to keep the Words of your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, in my mind, soul, and heart, that they do not go up to the Heavenly Kingdom without having produced an abundant harvest of Love, Redemption, and Peace that the world greatly needs. In your two United Hearts, I seek eternal refuge. Amen

Dear child, tell the souls who keep My Words to meditate on them in their hearts. May My Holy Words give you consolation, strength, courage, and peace in the times to come, and may your souls and hearts prepare to receive Me with prayer. Confession and the Eucharist will keep you united to Me

Pray, son of My Sacred Heart, for Rome, Brazil, and Uruguay. Beloved Chilean land, you have not listened to My Mother; you will be shaken by your disobedience. Argentina, I have blessed you, and you repay Me with your sins and ingratitude. Pray, my child, for Poland and Spain.

Under the Fountain of Love of My Sacred Heart be blessed and protected from the days to come. Do not long to hear the messages, long to live them and listen to them in silence, prayer and devotion.

My Sacred Heart loves you. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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