I am the White Lady of Peace.
Dear children, I am the White Lady of Peace. I call you to conversion. Conversion, my little ones, is an arduous, hard, difficult but not impossible struggle. To convert is to stop being yourselves so that it may be Jesus Christ living in you in such a way that the Divine Will of My Son may be “One” with you.
My son, today I encourage you to preach the Great Work of My Coredemptive Heart. I come to you so that we may save humanity together with prayer. She needs to be redeemed. I need apostles of these end times who preach and bring the Good News of My Son, the Lord. You need to pray for Cuba; it needs to be purified to be liberated. Pray for the whole Church.
I want sacrifice, prayer and penance from you. Cry out with Me with the Holy Rosary, participate in the Holy Eucharist. When you are at Holy Mass, you are with Me, your Blessed Mother at the foot of the Cross of Love and Reconciliation of My Son Jesus, on Golgotha.
I love you, and I bless you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin.
