Dear children, as Eucharistic Mother, I invite you to love Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the Sun of your lives. May His Light accompany you on your walk, and may you have no other nourishment than Jesus, the Bread of Life.
Transform yourself every day into Jesus. When you receive Jesus in the Eucharist, you are transformed into Jesus; you cease to be, to be in Jesus, to be one heart with Jesus.
Therefore, it is important to be in grace with frequent confession. A heart in sin limits the grace received with the Sacraments. But a clean heart, where the Holy Spirit is, opens man totally to God's action.
Therefore, dear children, give thanks, praise, and adoration to Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, where I also adore Him as Eucharistic Mother. I am in that Eucharistic Wedding where Jesus the Eucharist espouses the soul that receives Him. I am the Mediatrix in that Eucharistic Wedding, Messianic Wedding, and what will be fully in the Wedding of the Lamb when my Immaculate Heart Triumphs and all hearts are one in Jesus, in the Lamb.
Love the Eucharist! Adore Jesus in the Eucharist! Pray for the priests that they may be worthy servants of the Altar and be the image of Christ on earth.
I love you, little ones, and I bless you.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
