God desires the growth of his apostles. God calls his apostles and, after the apostles have given him the Fiat, God forms them. The Father, the Son, and the Divine Spirit desire that the souls encounter his merciful love and receive the light of the most Holy Trinity and walking in that spiritual perfection unite the human will to the will of God, and in that donation of the will of man to God an exchange of hearts takes place.
Children of the Sacred Hearts, I, Theresa of Jesus, sent by Jesus Christ to form the Faithful Remnant, revealed to you the Calls to Love and Conversion, which will guide you on a spiritual journey, on a guide of formation and perfection in the love of God. God wants his children to know him, love him and be united to him. Apostles of the Heart of Jesus it is not enough just to believe, one must grow on the path to holiness.
Jesus sends me to reveal to the great work of his heart, by means of this little instrument, the way of perfection through the Mansions of the Sacred Hearts. The Chaplet of the Sacred Hearts, which is also the Chaplet of Perfection, will help you through prayer to penetrate more deeply into each mansion, to let yourself be transformed in each mansion, to walk in Christian perfection, until you live the life of Heaven on earth.
Children of the Sacred Hearts, the Holy Spirit is the first Mansion of Perfection. The Holy Spirit, by covering you with his shadow, will illuminate you and reveal the love that God has for you. I pray for each one of you, so that you may know the love of the Heart of Jesus.
Pray continually the Chaplet of Perfection of the United Sacred Hearts! I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.