When my Mother said “yes” to my Eternal Father’s Redeemer Plan, the Holy Spirit took her. Through the surrender of my Mother’s Will to the Will of the Father, the Holy Spirit produced the great Miracle of the Incarnation, that is, when I was conceived in my Mother’s bosom by Divine Grace. When my Mother said “yes”, the Holy Trinity acted in the life and being of my Heavenly Mother.
Apostles of my Sacred Heart, when your will, human will, surrenders to the Divine Will, this act is a “yes”, a “come to be”, and by means of this renunciation to yourselves, God does great works in you. When your human will, when your impulse, your feelings, your imperfections stop you, when you are prone to anger, to impatience, to discouragement, to mistrust, but you refuse to do that for the Will of the Father, God does wonders!
It is necessary that you pray so that seeing the example of my Mother in saying “yes” to God and in saying “no” to herself, the grace of the incarnation was produced and from the incarnation, the redemption of all men.
When you say “no” to yourselves and say “yes” to what our Sacred Hearts expect of you, my unfathomable mercy can do great works.
I desire with all my heart that you be holy so that each day may be new steps toward holiness and not toward perdition. But everything begins with “yes”, with “let it be done”, with the surrender of your wills to mine. My Will is only love, only mercy, and it only seeks to produce fruits of peace, love and holiness in your lives.
I am the son of the “Fiat” of my Heavenly Mother. Pray, dear children that this “Fiat” of my Mother may multiply in you bear fruit in you, be visible in you.
Remember to pay close attention to my Gospel and to my Calls to Love and Conversion, this way you will be able to deepen each day the designs of mercy.
I give you my compassionate, merciful, longing from your love blessing, desiring to be loved by you.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.