Open your hearts in faith.
Dear children, open your hearts to God the Holy Spirit so that He may dwell in you and from Love you will feel His Mother in Heaven.
Dear children, in this Sacred Time of Lent I invite you to pray and meditate on the Sacred Passion of My Son Jesus Christ because He bore all your rebellions. His wounds were healed in His Sacred Wounds.
The Father’s Anger fell on My Son out of Love for you. He became sin for you and received your punishments so that you may be healed, saved and redeemed.
Dear children, at this time I do not invite you to ask for fortune, well-being or health. I invite you to pray for your conversion, for the health of your soul, which is the most important thing, for the liberation from your sins. In this time, I am pouring out graces above all to my faithful remnant.
Therefore, I am preparing My Army, the Army of Mary, which are the apostles of the end times. Pray, pray daily, pray until you are converted, so that peace may fall upon the world. I invite you to fast, to pray, to confess. Adore My Son Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and receive My Eucharistic Son worthily every day. He will be your food and strength in these difficult times. And I, your Mother, promise you my protection and my protection in prayer because I am, and will be, always close to you. I love you and I bless you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen