My little ones, I look upon you with eyes of mercy.
My maternal eyes are upon each one of you. I know the intentions and the sufferings of your hearts well. I present your prayers to my Son Jesus.
My children, do not distrust God. However dark your path may be, do not distrust the Lord. Hope in the Lord.
Pray with patience. Do not give way to my adversary, grumbling about your problems and complaining about your situations. But instead, offer yourselves. Offer your sufferings without measure. Completely offer yourselves without fear and without reservation. For the righteous soul always obtains the mercy of God.
My children, I am with you. I encourage you to continue. For following my Son is the Path to Calvary, carrying the Cross on your back.
My children, pray much and carry your crosses without fear and without distrust. Offer your sufferings for poor sinners, for the Church, for souls who do not know God.
I love you and bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
