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My Apostolate formed long before in my eternal wisdom was given to the world on the day of the incarnation, when my Mother’s heart was united to my heart of God and Son. Saint Joseph, my adoptive father, was the first creature to live this spirituality of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

In Saint John and in Saint Mary Magdalene were prefigured the apostles of these times, repairers and consolers of our two hearts. And what the Holy Spirit dictated to Saint Louis de Montfort my Mother and the Most Holy Trinity has made concrete in this Apostolate. That is why I have said that my Apostolate is a well where various streams of grace converge.

My Apostolate is also a Marian army; it is true that, with this work we prepare the world for the triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of my Mother; a triumph that will be the means by which my Glorious Eucharistic Reign will come.

But also, with this Apostolate my Mother is gathering all those children who believe in the dogma of Mary Coredemptrix. For with this Apostolate, the sentiments of my Mother’s children prepare the proclamation of this dogma, the greatest dogma, and which is the basis of all Marian dogma; but they must know that my Mother is Coredemptrix solely united with the Redeemer.

My Mother is Coredemptrix for me, because she was the creature that collaborated more perfectly with the work of Redemption; She is the perfect collaborator of the Redeemer. And all my Mother’s children who are waiting and praying for the coming of this dogma, the Holy Spirit is gathering them in this Marian army, which is my Apostolate.

Pray for the grace of the Holy Spirit for the Church in her hierarchy! Pray and live continuously our Calls to Love and Conversion!

With my Redeemer Heart, I bless you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary, Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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