Heavenly mother: Bless you, my son. The instrument: Mother, I just want to serve you and be a useful instrument of the immaculate Heart; to work for your glory. Heavenly mother: My little one, all those souls that are docile, that become little and obey from holy love, and consecrate themselves to the Heart of my Jesus and to my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, are useful instruments for the Lord. To work for the glory of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart is to work for the glory of the most Holy Trinity. I desire that my children may deepen the mystery of my human and divine maternity; I am the mother of God man; I am the mother of men. Man was created in the image and likeness of God and all was created for my son, and in him. Therefore, the Holy Trinity chose me to be the mother of the son god who became man through my “fiat” and became man to rescue men. And as he came through me to the world, the world must go through me to Jesus, through my mediation as mother.
In Bethlehem I gave God to you and God gave me to you because my motherhood also had to be extended to all so that the mission of the redeemer might be extended to all mankind. My maternity extended his redemption and that is why on the cross, for the fulfilment of the whole saving plan, he said, behold your mother. By becoming man in my most pure womb, Jesus dignified the whole human race. My motherhood has led me to manifest myself to my children, as in Fatima.
I give you my blessing. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.