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Peace and joy in Jesus and Mary.

Beloved children of our United Sacred Hearts, I send you the merciful love of my Sacred Eucharistic Heart from the Garden of the End Times.

I want you to form teams of people who voluntarily want to help out on the Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok Channels. It is necessary that those who offer themselves to work on it do so permanently, diligently, carefully, and with perseverance, not leaving the work halfway and not neglecting the pages by uploading publications one day and not another.

I would like you to open a channel in Spotify in which you can also upload all the audio prayers, audios, songs, devotions and catechesis, so that also in this social network you can evangelize... through Spotify.

My beloved daughter Noilyn from Costa Rica has the user’s name and password for the TikTok channel, so you should ask her for it, and if she wants to continue to be in charge, she can continue to do so, but it is necessary that you form a team so that the TikTok channel resurges, because remember that where sin abounds, the over grace must overflow.

Therefore, make a team so that the TikTok channel has more life, more activity, more evangelization, more presence, more dynamism, and the Call also reaches through this channel.

The Facebook and Instagram passwords are with my little nothing, so he should share them with you at the end of this Call and you form a team, because, all this time, my little nothing, silently, has been in charge of all the publications of the social networks, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Form a team to take charge of these three social networks as well, but that this team and all the teams you form, do not let the social networks fall, do not take charge one day and then get discouraged discontinuing the publications, because all the daily audios, such as the homilies of the beloved spiritual director, homilies, preaching, meditations, catechesis, should be uploaded both on YouTube and on social networks, of course, discerning what to upload and what not to upload, and on Spotify as well.

That team of social networks must upload daily the images of the Calls with the petitions, every day; as well as the daily written Calls with their image, as well as the daily Devotions with their text and the link to the pages, as well as the daily task with its text, the links, the audios of the daily task.

I want them to form those teams that, voluntarily, want to offer to help in it, but that they do not leave the work halfway, that they do not neglect the pages.

Every day they should upload on the social networks what they also upload in the chats.

I ask this because the world needs it.

Launch the networks as I have asked you in this Call, form teams to take charge of the social networks and that, daily, as the daily tasks are published in the chats, daily they are published in the social networks, too.

I give you my loving blessing and, with love, I want to correct so that my Work may grow and be the instrument that I need for these times.

Cast your nets and catch souls so that they may be saved and so that the Church may be restored.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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