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The Woman Clothed with the Sun, my golden mantle, represents the royalty, glory, and power of the Son of God. My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart is the sign of the Apocalypse. My white dress represents the Eucharist. I am united with the Eucharistic Heart of my Son and Lord. I am a whole host to him, and he, with his Eucharistic Reign, clothes me with the sun.

My heart is immaculate because it has no stain, because I was preserved by Divine Mercy from sin. I am immaculate by merit of Jesus Christ. I am immaculate united with his redeemer mission. My heart is sorrowful because a sword, the sacrifice of my son on the Cross, pierced my heart. The pain was caused by the sins of all mankind. I am sorrowful in reference to you. The sword that pierces my heart is the sins of men.

The three roses: the white rose represents God the Father and is a call to unceasing prayer; the red rose represents God the Son and is a call to sacrifice and penance; the golden rose represents God the Holy Spirit and is a call to holiness of life, to be faithful to the mission that each one has by the design of Jesus. My heart is then the tabernacle and throne of the Holy Trinity.

The drop of blood that is born from my heart, and stops at the point of the sword, is my pain, is my spiritual passion. My son, by shedding his blood, shed the blood that he took in my womb. And the Flame of Fire that crowns my heart is love, eternal principle, is the Fire of Mercy. The title, Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, is a universal attribute, which means that I am Coredemptrix, that I am the bridge between God and you, my children that I am the path that humanity has to reach the heart of my son. And I desire that devotion to my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart be spread throughout the world through the cenacles of prayer.

Listen to your Mother! Understand that I want your salvation! May the whole world accept this devotion that my son Jesus Christ sends for these End Times!

And with my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, I bless you.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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