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May the peace and joy of Our Three Sacred Hearts, which are a single love, a single will, a single feeling for the Work, and the grace of the Holy Spirit, be bestowed upon my entire Apostolate and may you, too, be ready to open yourselves to this grace.

Because I, my Mother and my father, Saint Joseph, shower graces daily on the entire Opus Magnum and each of our apostles, from the last to the first in the Work.

None of you are exempt from receiving our graces and gifts, nor are your families left out of this current of Merciful Love.

Therefore, I urge you to open yourselves and let you be the ones to allow us to act.

It is good that you beseech us, ask us, and pray to us continually, but remember that you must give the first step to the Work, to our action.

If you ask us for graces, favors, and petitions, but you are not open, no matter how much you ask, we cannot force the openings [apertures] of your soul, will, and spirit.

Therefore, open yourselves, open yourselves to humility, open yourselves to trust, and open yourselves to believe because it is still hard for you to believe.

Do not only ask, but also be ready to receive, for if you are not ready to receive, how can I give it to you?

You see, it is not up to me to give you the gifts; for you to receive them, it is up to you to be open to my action.

Being open to my actions implies believing, trust, humility, meekness, and simplicity.

In short, in order to believe in and receive my actions, you need to let go of three things: pride, prepotency, and arrogance.

By leaving these three sins, you can easily become true disciples and missionaries.

May pride, prepotence and arrogance not dominate your offices of service, not dominate your priestly ministries, not dominate your leadership in any area within the Opus Magnum. Do not dominate your religious life; do not dominate your guidance and coordination within the Cenacles.

Eliminate all of you, arrogance, haughtiness, prepotence, and pride, so that Christian unity may truly begin from you because you have to build it, not only to ask for Christian unity.

It is useless to ask for unity if the Apostolate is the first that does not build it.

It is useless to ask for the Reign of Love if the Apostolate is the first that does not practice it.

It is useless to ask for the holiness of the Church and of priests if the Apostolate and the priests of the Apostolate, too, do not live in that holiness.

Ask, but whatever you ask for, live it in the first place yourselves.

What you ask for, live it, primarily, within the Apostolate, only in this way you will see fruits, it is only in this way that you will see the fruits, being humble in being the first to obey the Divine Will.

I wish to transmit some general instructions to all my Opus Magnum.


Listen to the instrument.

I have asked him for silence because very few times have he been listened to, and fewer are the times that his person has been taken into account. And this, I say again, is not of arrogance and pride but of communion, of union, and of listening.


Do not give absolutely no one outside of coordination. They are the only ones responsible for having the numbers and contacts of Father Teofilo and the instrument, and even of the vice world coordinator.

For this purpose, they have a general world secretary, who is the contact and bridge between World Work and the apostles. Please be careful, prudent, and obedient in listening to us and our instructions.


Form the work teams now and make the announcement, especially in the Coordinations, so that we can start working with the Apostolate's social media, social networks, and web pages. Each language can have an official social network in its own language, official social networks for Spanish, official social networks for English, official social networks for Portuguese, and so on. An official account of the Apostolate for each language. Do not be afraid to extend the invitation. I need the Apostolate's Online Radio to be reactivated so that Calls, prayers, conferences, talks, catechesis, and devotions are transmitted 24 hours a day, as they used to be. I also need you to be patient. The Apostolate has a lot of work to do. All communication in the Apostolate must be between coordinators.

If an apostle needs any help or answer, let him tell his coordinator, the coordinator to the coordinator of his country, the coordinator of his country, the coordination of the Branch or the World Coordination. But everything must carry this correct act of obedience so that all communication remains in common union and does not turn to secrecy or preferences.

Please, all of you, beloved coordinators, become among yourselves and make each apostle the humblest within a home. Feel all of you inside the home of Nazareth.

All of you must make yourselves felt within the loving home of Nazareth.

Please start now, I need you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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