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Beloved apostles of my Sacred Eucharistic Heart, I am the Lamb of God, the Lamb who is on the Throne, I am gathering my army of faithful souls in my End Time Apostolate.

My children, I wish to speak to you about the Spiritual Centers, buildings, whether big or small, that bear the name of Cenacles of the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. In these Cenacles, you will have all the proper arrangements for a Chapel to celebrate the Divine Worship, another space for Marian Eucharistic retreats and another space to perform works of charity, which are the works of corporal and spiritual Mercy.

Dear children, first of all, arrange to have a house or a spirituality center. Then try to have a good spiritual guide, a priest who will advise and help you.

Dear children, as regards to the worship of the Eucharistic celebration and Perpetual Adoration, while it is true that in the first instance religious authorities give a period of discernment, that time should not delay you in carrying out your apostolate.

First put into practice what I am asking of you, then Heaven, my Sacred Heart, will take care of opening the way for the celebration of the Sacraments and Perpetual Adoration in these houses of diffusion of the Apostolate.

First, open the way by carrying out the apostolate, that is, starting to work on what I am instructing you.

My Sacred Heart desires for you to understand well my requests:

  1. First concretize the spiritual house.

  2. Next, choose a good Chaplain, a priest of great spirituality.

Having this will open the way for the next steps to be taken: the Celebration of Divine Worship and Perpetual Adoration.

Begin, dear children, by praying the devotions of the Apostolate and performing works of charity.

With my Sacred Heart I bless you.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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