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I will show you a path of reparation.


I am the Angel of Peace. I come into your soul through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Queen of Fatima. 

My dear little brother, I show you a simple, silent, humble path but, great, infinite, unfathomable is the path of reparation. 

Brother, you are called to walk with Jesus, consoling him to Calvary. The Holy Spirit has chosen you to be the repairer and spokesperson of his most beloved Spouse, whom the Holy Trinity, with his Light, has clothed with the Sun. Mary has called you to be her ambassador.

Brother, this path of reparation is one of sacrifice and prayer at the same time. It is a path to holiness. Begin to walk this path by carrying your cross daily, always renouncing the human ego, offering your voluntary or involuntary sufferings to Jesus, and suffering and enduring in silence with patience.

Thus, with this hidden and holy life, you suffer for Jesus. With your sufferings, relieve the sufferings of his Sacred Heart. With your tears dry and console the tears of the Sweet Mother.

Little brother, the Two Hearts are with you. Adore and make reparation, praise and console Jesus in the Tabernacle. Teach your heart to always repeat the holy prayers I taught you in Fatima. 

Be happy because Jesus is happy for his little martyr. I give you my blessing, and with me, your Guardian Angel.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy  Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin. Amen.


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