All is Mercy and Grace.
I was at Holy Mass. After the reading of the Holy Gospel, the priest celebrant said, 'By the Words of this Holy Gospel, our sins will be blotted out.'
Then I heard Jesus say to me:
Dear child, everything is mercy, every word and gesture in the Sacred Sacrifice of the Mass is mercy for you and the whole world; make good use of the graces given to you.
Later, while praying, Jesus spoke again and said, 'My greatest longing'.
My dear son, one of my greatest supplications to the Father, before my Redeeming Passion, was to cry out for unity; a unity that in this time is urgently needed for the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, my beloved Mother.
I, like the Shepherd who unites his flock, before leading it to green pastures, say to you:
Be one; the Church must be one; the prophets, my priests, and all the people must be one heart. Cry out for that unity; cry out for the coming of the Holy Spirit, who will unite all souls in Our United Sacred Hearts, as we were united in the blessed house of Nazareth, and in the Kingdom of God is manifested in that unity, in love.
Be always one, my servant.
I love and bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
