Apostles of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the Lord has opened Heaven for all humanity by granting the gift of the Apostolate, so that many souls would know the merciful love of Jesus.
The great gift that has saved humanity is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross, the great gift of Redemption. But the Apostolate springs from that merciful love of Jesus. Jesus desires to be known, heard and loved as the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, He is the Lamb of God who will reign.
And, in this spirituality of the Apostolate, you have been given a path of holiness, the Mansions of Perfection. Each mansion is a degree that the soul advances, assisted by the Holy Spirit, to the highest holiness, and the Chaplet of the United Sacred Hearts or the Chaplet of Perfection is that journey of the spirit, made prayer. Therefore, always pray the Chaplet of Perfection and you will advance on the path to love and holiness.
From this Carmel of the End Times, I, Theresa of Jesus, pray for all of you to the Lord and to the Heavenly Queen.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.