Prayer is a gift.
Prayer is a gift given by God, the Holy Spirit. Prayer is also a grace; you must constantly ask for grace and learn to pray. Praying is not only asking. Praying is communicating with God, being with God, hiding in God. To pray is to have an intimate meeting with the Heart of the Father. Therefore, I invite you to pray because only by praying will you know what Jesus is asking of you, and by praying, you do the Will of God. Therefore, dear children, understand that prayer is very important for your spiritual growth because, as well as feeding the body, you have to feed the soul.
The greatest prayer of praise and thanksgiving is given at Holy Mass. You must prepare yourselves with moments of prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to help you live it as the first and the last.
Dear children, pray, pray, pray because many souls need prayer. The world needs prayer. My Son’s Church needs prayer. Pray also, dear children, that you may comprehend the graces which the Lord gives you.
Thank you for accepting my motherly call. I ask you to pray always and without ceasing, and in these 12 days of prayer, do not be weary of perseverance.
I give you My Motherly Blessing. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin.
