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July 21, 2016 – Call to Love and Conversion from God the Tender and Merciful Father

The Kingdom of the Word of God

Write, little Carmelite, the Words of your Father and learn from My doctrine, because these teachings are life and blessing for men who put them into practice, because My Word is Light for your journey along the path of these End Times of chaos and confusion.

Satan is deceiving many men, because they allow themselves to be seduced by the lukewarmness and comfort he preaches; that is to say, a spiritual relaxation and a generalized relativism for many souls seems to be better than living My Word and My Divine Will.

As you know, little one, and I have told you since the beginning, My Calls to Love and Conversion to Humanity have My Word as their foundation, and what I desire with them is to remind you of the importance of living My Word; many have forgotten My Word because of the distractions of the world. Little one, My Word is dew that refreshes the dry and parched earth without water. The world without My Word would be sterile, dead, and would not sustain man himself; but, now, apostasy and falsehood dominate everything, leading many astray, but I as the Father of Mercy do not forget My little remnant; That is why, today, I give you a great hope as the Eucharistic wine of My Son, the Word Incarnate, comes; through the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of the Woman Clothed with the Sun, the Kingdom of the Word will also come, for you will live My Word and in living it you will live My Divine Will.

All of this, little one, is part of the outpouring of My Spirit, your Paraclete. I give you a little prayer that you may ask for the Reign of My Word: Beloved Father may the Kingdom of God’s Word come soon in our hearts. Mary, Queen of the Kingdom of God’s Word, pray for us. Amen.

Little one, redouble your prayers and efforts because time is urgent and as the smallest of My prophets, I have entrusted you with much. I love you, little one. The Kingdom of the Word of God will begin, too, with the fulfillment of the prophecies; while the world is engaged in war and destruction, Heaven will soon come to implant the Kingdom of the Word of God but in My remnant, whom I love and care for because it is small, humble and simple.

The Kingdom of the Word of God is your hope. I bless you. Have My peace. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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