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July 5, 2016 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

My call is to conversion and prayer so that My little apostles, with their life of conversion and with prayer, may witness to the world the Good News of My Son Jesus Christ.

My little ones, conversion is a grace that you must ask for daily. With Divine Wisdom you will understand the Divine Will. To die and renounce your human wills inclined to selfishness in order to accept and live the Divine Will of My Son, that is to walk in conversion; to do all that My Son asks of you, to do all that pleases My Son.

Remember, My little ones, that My Son and I desire only your good, not the welfare of the world, but spiritual welfare, peace with God, grace in your hearts, holiness. My little ones are called to be saints, and through prayer, sacrifice and penance but most of all with love, putting love into all of this, you will please the Lord.

My little ones pray for all mankind, it is the greatest act you can do, the act of charity you can perform; pray for the whole world. May the cenacles of prayer be that consolation and relief for the wounded world. My cenacles of prayer are a grace for all humanity because with your prayers you attain mercy and peace for men.

Keep on praying for the world, keep on being My little cenacles of prayer, My little arks of salvation, with which many men will go up and get rid of the storm that is falling all over the world; a storm of sin, apostasy, atheism; a storm of rejection of God’s Love.

My little cenacles of prayer, with your prayers and devotion lighten Our Two Hearts. Pray that in the whole world little souls may continue to gather to pray and save many hearts together from the bondage of My adversary.

My little ones, read and meditate on the prophet Isaiah in chapter 6.

I love you and I bless you, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.

New Jerusalem Bible – Isaiah, Chapter 6

1 In the year of King Uzziah’s death I saw the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne; his train filled the sanctuary.

2 Above him stood seraphs, each one with six wings: two to cover its face, two to cover its feet and two for flying;

3 and they were shouting these words to each other: Holy, holy, holy is Yahweh Sabaoth. His glory fills the whole earth.

4 The door-posts shook at the sound of their shouting, and the Temple was full of smoke.

5 Then I said: ‘Woe is me! I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, Yahweh Sabaoth.’

6 Then one of the seraphs flew to me, holding in its hand a live coal which it had taken from the altar with a pair of tongs.

7 With this it touched my mouth and said: ‘Look, this has touched your lips, your guilt has been removed and your sin forgiven.’

8 I then heard the voice of the Lord saying: ‘Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I, send me.’

9 He said: ‘Go, and say to this people, “Listen and listen, but never understand! Look and look, but never perceive!”

10 Make this people’s heart coarse, make their ears dull, shut their eyes tight, or they will use their eyes to see, use their ears to hear, use their heart to understand, and change their ways and be healed.’

11 I then said, ‘Until when, Lord?’ He replied, ‘Until towns are in ruins and deserted, houses untenanted and a great desolation reigns in the land,

12 and Yahweh has driven the people away and the country is totally abandoned.

13 And suppose one-tenth of them are left in it, that will be stripped again, like the terebinth, like the oak, cut back to the stock; their stock is a holy seed.’


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