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July 8, 2016 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

My dear souls, My Precious Blood shed for you on Calvary’s cross is a pledge of your eternal salvation. My Precious Blood and My Most Sacred Body were offered as an offering to the Father to attain your salvation, redemption and mercy. My Precious Blood is still shed today in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass but very few make reparation for the graces that are granted to all mankind and are wasted.

My little ones, pray with Me in Gethsemane, pray with Me little ones. Don’t get tired of praying, don’t disregard the request of my Sorrowful Mother. The world already, will face the terrible hours, and even hearts are not prepared. How many will survive? How many will be faithful? How many will cower and deny Me?

Little ones, pray more to be strong, join me in My Gethsemane. My Gethsemane is not only Thursday nights, but now it is all the little time that I am left in agony in the Gethsemane of My Church. The Church is in her full Holy Thursday where she will be betrayed and given to evil men. How many will watch with Me one hour? I am sweating Blood and My Heart explodes with sadness because men forget their God, Who loves them, Who rescues them.

Little ones, will you listen to My Words? Will you obey them? I am with you and I love you too on My Side, here in Gethsemane. Soon My Precious Blood will triumph. I love you and I bless you, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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