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Prayer, sacrifice and penance will purify your souls.


Dear children, I invite you to conversion. Through prayer, sacrifice and penance you will purify your souls and you will also be a lightning rod for the graces and mercy from Heaven.  

Dear children, pray for your conversion that you may be true imitators of the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus.

Dear children, do not disregard the Calls that Heaven is making to you through your Heavenly Mother, but rather, fulfill them, accept them, meditate on them, and always read them in prayer, so that my Maternal Counsel may help you draw closer and closer to our United Sacred Hearts. Always pray the Holy Rosary for the conversion of sinners, for peace in the world, and for those who still do not believe that God exists.  

Dear children, I invite you to be true disciples of my Son Jesus, to read the Holy Word daily, to visit Jesus in the Tabernacle (where he is day and night, where he remains out of Love), to confess your sins, and to receive my Son in a state of grace. For your hearts need the strength that comes from on high to be able to straighten your way, to be able to walk in the conversion to God, and to learn to love.  

Dear children, be holy and perfect in your deeds, as my Son Jesus is. Always invoke the Holy Spirit because he will give you the strength to do so. Thank you, dear children. You will accept and respond by living my Calls.  

Pray, dear children, especially for Russia, the United States, Belgium, England, China, Japan, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, that the graces of heaven may give conversion and peace to these people.

I love you, and I bless you. I, Mother and Queen of Peace, give you my peace.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin. 


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