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June 15, 2016 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Holy Eucharist, the greatest gift of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Manuelito, little one of my Immaculate Heart, writes. The Gift of the Holy Eucharist is the greatest treasure that the one true Church of my Son has. Church of priests and prophets, Church that keeps in each tabernacle the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of my Beloved Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, formed and conceived in my Holy Womb, the first and true Tabernacle of Adoration.

I, your Heavenly Mother, as the Ark of the Covenant which I carry in me the only true Manna from Heaven, call you to adore, make reparation and console my Jesus made Sacrament in every Sacrifice of the Mass.

My little one, my Son has given you the greatest Sacrament of Love, the Eucharist, so that you may not be left alone, so that you may have his truly Eucharistic Heart to adore it, to feed on it, to be filled with it, to live from it and with it. The Holy Eucharist is the greatest gift of the Heart of Jesus for you to unite your hearts to his Sacred Heart. The Holy Eucharist nourishes your bodies by raising them to the dignity of temples of the Holy Spirit and by sanctifying your souls. The Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament that makes, even today, times of mercy. The Holy Eucharist is Jesus in Person, who offers himself for Love of you. My children, the Holy Eucharist is the Love of God who embraces and touches, as he did in the past, your misery and poverty.

How much Jesus loves you! True food that desired to become Bread, to feed you with his Crucified Love, to transmit to you in each Holy Communion, the Life of the Most Holy Trinity and to exclaim with a heart united to his Eucharistic Heart: “Father, Your Will be done and not mine”.

My son, Holy Communion is the perfect and loving union of Jesus with the souls. How Jesus burns with Love wanting all the souls to repent, convert and unite themselves to him through the Holy Eucharist! Oh, my son! Pray that his Eucharistic Reign be hastened and the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart be the Holy Door that transmits his Reign of Love to my children.

As Mother of the Eucharist and of priests, I give you my Blessing. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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