Souls, the intimacy of the Holy Trinity has been opened by the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The great appearance of the Woman Clothed with the Sun has opened the Trinitarian Communion to humanity and has bestowed the great gift of the spirituality of the United Sacred Hearts.
Living the spirituality of the Apostolate is a path of Christian perfection based on charity; and in this path of charity, reparation, is a fundamental pillar. From love, repair the Heart of God and the heart of the neighbor. And this Trinitarian Communion is the Apostolate of the United Sacred Hearts.
Pray and meditate on this Call in the Light of Psalm 3.
I, the Paraclete, the third person of the Most Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit, love you, call you and bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin.
The Holy Spirit also asked that, in the important dates calendar, these three important activities be added:
18 to 25 January each year:
Week of Prayer for Christians and reparation for the division
July 1st:
Day of the Precious Blood of Christ
September 15:
Day of Mary’s Sorrows and Tears of Coredemption
New Jerusalem Bible, Psalm, Chapter 3
1 [Psalm Of David When he was fleeing from his son Absalom] Yahweh, how countless are my enemies, how countless those who rise up against me,
2 how countless those who say of me, ‘No salvation for him from his God!
3 But you, Yahweh, the shield at my side, my glory, you hold my head high.
4 I cry out to Yahweh; he answers from his holy mountain.
5 As for me, if I lie down and sleep, I shall awake, for Yahweh sustains me.
6 I have no fear of people in their thousands upon thousands, who range themselves against me wherever I turn.
7 Arise, Yahweh, rescue me, my God! You strike all my foes across the face, you break the teeth of the wicked.
8 In Yahweh is salvation, on your people, your blessing!