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Dear children, my son Jesus has taught you the way of life, truth and good, and I, your Mother, come to remind you of these teachings. I come to guide you with my maternal advice, and I come to educate you in the life of the Spirit.

Dear children, but even though you hear me, you have not wanted to put into practice my words, because you do not want to renounce to yourselves. In order to live our Calls to Love and Conversion, and therefore the Holy Gospel, it is necessary to renounce to oneself. With self-love, dear children, you will achieve nothing. You have already seen that in the end men’s self-love causes only destruction.

Dear children, renounce yourself, change, and do not follow the same path that you have traveled so far, change. And this change implies: confession, fasting, prayer, forgiveness, service and practice of virtues like prudence, patience, absolute trust, perfect charity.

Dear children, so that our Calls to Love and Conversion may bear fruit in you, learn to renounce to self-love and abandon yourselves in the Spirit.

Do not hold back your will but surrender it to be replaced by the Divine Will.

Little children, I ask you, besides listening to me, to put into practice my Mother’s words.

Also, I exhort you to pray the Hail Mary of the End Times throughout your life of devotion, at every instant and moment. Whatever you ask of me through the Hail Mary of the End Times, I will grant, but ask in faith.

And the large size Scapular of the United Sacred Hearts you, will place in your homes and it will give Blessing and Protection to your families in these times so convulsed and threatened by evil.

Little children, believe in your Mother and trust, trust.

I give you my Maternal Blessing.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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