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I will gather my Flock


Dear son, to long for the Father is to have a desire for his presence, a thirst for fullness, but above all, a heart very full of love, of holy love, to fulfill his Will. When a soul longs and yearns to fulfill the Divine Will, it begins its journey of conversion, but it is necessary that it invokes the help of the Heavenly Paraclete, God the Holy Spirit; and in your hearts so that he may lead you to the full knowledge of the Truth: Jesus Christ is the fullness of truth.

My dear son, the Holy Spirit, at this time, sends me to gather those who remain faithful to the teachings of Jesus and who, now, are being greatly attacked by Satan, who causes confusion, disunity, helplessness, and lethargy.  

All those whom I call, Merciful Mother, I have chosen and consecrated as apostles of our United Sacred Hearts and of the End Times. I will gather them in one Heart, in one Spirit, and in one feeling. I, as a Mother, the Divine Shepherdess of souls, will gather my Flock, which is scattered by selfishness and confusion.

Dear, I am gathering all of my children as one Army -for I am the beautiful and powerful- as one Army ready for battle. And this Army is all those who have consecrated themselves to our Two United Hearts. From all parts and ends of the earth they will come.  Let them believe and accept the Call of God. All the earth is hearing my voice. It is a Call to all my children, to my one Flock, in the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. 

Dear children, listen to my voice and my message and enlist in the Army of Christ. be soldiers of Christ and preach the Gospel. The spiritual armor and the Holy Spirit will be given to you in the measure you respond to the Word. I will gather my faithful sheep and lambs into one flock.

As a Mother, I call you to unity now. After the purification of the world, we will rebuild the Kingdom of God and my Castle and Fortress of Mary, where I will have my children always under my motherly protection. Everything will be fulfilled, every Word that has come from the mouth of God.

Pray, pray, pray always, my little one, so that my intentions and those of the Sacred Heart may be fulfilled.

I love you, and I bless you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin. 


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