I invite you to open your hearts.
Dear children, I call you to prayer, to the openness of your hearts to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who dwell in you since your Baptism. Therefore, dear children, I urge you to live by faith, the Holy Word, and the Eucharist, becoming more like Jesus daily.
My dear children, keep my words in your hearts, and do not allow human forgetfulness to take away my maternal counsel from you.
Dear children, I, together with you, am building the Kingdom of God little by little, gathering all my chosen souls in one heart, in the Sacred Heart of Christ. All your souls are pleasing to me.
Dear children, I desire to act through you. Let Christ be seen in your works so that men who do not yet believe may see your works and be converted. Through prayer and fasting, you will come to know God's love for the world.
Dear children, I invite you to witness that my Son Jesus is coming; and thus, prepare your souls to receive him with all the love, fervor, and devotion of your little hearts.
Dear children, always open your hearts to the action of God, so that God may do in you what he has always desired for men: redeemed souls, the image and likeness of God, who loves you so much. Thank you, dear children, for accepting my Call.
I am calling you, and I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.