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The Sacrament of Matrimony

Jesus: Little one, come and write.

A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to her whom our Abba has given him as his wife (Gn 2:24). Little one, the Sacrament of Matrimony is a union of two hearts that come together to love each other and by loving, to be collaborators in the creative work of my Father: “Be fruitful and multiply” (Gn 1:28).

This union is between male and female, the perfect work of my Father since the human being is the only creature made in our image and likeness.

Man is the only creature that has been called and chosen by my Father to have a vocation to perfect unity with God, a perfect unity that was lived in Eden before sin. The misfortune of sin broke this unity, and men preferred to use the human will rather than live the Divine Will.

But my Father, who is Love and Mercy, slow to anger and rich in mercy (Num 14:18), willed that the life of man should be dignified and sanctified and that the generations should be a holy people, a people that has been redeemed by Me, on the Holy Cross.

The Sacrament of Matrimony is a Sacrament of Love to dignify the offspring of man, and that the family be the image (reflected in the world) of the Most Holy Trinity. Of the souls united in matrimony, become souls-sacrament, for the Sacrament is the couple, male and female, whose union is consecrated to the Lord and where I, in the person of the priest, give that union as a mediator to the Eternal Father. The children of matrimony are children born in order and in grace.

That is why you should pray for married couples so that men and women may deepen this vocation, which is a calling that never ends (during earthly life). It is a call to love always, love to procreate, love to serve, love to love.

Little one, in this Sacrament of Matrimony, which becomes a family, a unity of love is created, which reflects the Trinitarian Love. That is why Satan strives, by every means, to put an end to marriage and the family. Divorce, adultery, fornication, and infidelity are the enemy's attacks on the family, proposing to men an easy life without love, without a cross.

It is total egolatry, - and from this egolatry is born abortion, aberrations against nature and all kinds of concepts (with it) that want nothing more than to invert the image of the family to an image of total bestiality (the action of the beast in men).

The Sacrament of Matrimony is male and female. The (misnamed) matrimony of Satan and the Antichrist is the opposite. The family of God is father, mother, and children. The family of the Antichrist is the opposite.

The Sacrament of Matrimony is a call to love and procreation according to the Father's desire. The illicit union of the antichrist is disorder, lust, disobedience, and, as fruit, death. The fruit of the Sacrament of Matrimony between man and woman is life, love, and blessing.

Little son, tell my people to recognize, with diligent spirit and prayerful heart, the works of the enemy so that they may see the signs of the times and not be confused.

Little one, pray for all the persecution of the family, which is getting worse every day. Little one, my people do not want to know the Truth, to know Me.

Pray for the Holy Father and all priests; pray for religious men and women; pray for all my faithful people that they may courageously defend, as did my beloved nurturing father, Saint Joseph and my Mother Mary, the jewel of the Lord: the family and Matrimony.

I love and bless you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.

Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus


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