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June 24, 2016 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

My Sacred Heart is the source of Eternal Wisdom.

My Sacred Heart will grant you the Grace of the Gift of Wisdom, if you ask for it in faith, so that, with Eternal Wisdom, you may discern, know and live My Divine Will, which is Love, which is Mercy, which is Holiness.

Little children, My Sacred Heart desires repairing souls, Eucharistic souls, souls who give themselves in sacrifice, every day of their lives, for other souls who do not yet know Me, for souls who live in sin, for souls who live without Peace, for souls who live rejecting My Love.

Little ones, remember the message of Saint John the Baptist, penance and conversion, that message resounds again on all the Earth, with My Calls to Love and the Manifestations of My Blessed Mother all over the world, penance and conversion, so that you may live in holiness and that men may see in you the testimony of a given life, of hearts that forgive, of hearts that love, of hearts that live in My Peace.

Pray, My little ones; pray at every moment; prayer never ends; prayer must be permanent and constant; pray for your conversion; pray that the Holy Spirit may help you to live in holiness; holiness that springs from living My Divine Will, living the Commandments, living the Gospel.

Children, I love you and bless you, and remember conversion and penance is My Message to the whole world before My Return. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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