Dear son:
The union of the Sacred Hearts, of our Lady with our Lord Jesus Christ, was accomplished by the Divine Will of the Tender and Merciful Father.
It is the Holy Spirit who united, in Divine Love, these two most pure Hearts in the thought of God the Father. He had already chosen the covenant of these two Sacred Hearts as the remedy for the sin of Adam and Eve’s disobedience.
The two Sacred Hearts, united by the Holy Spirit, are the masterpiece of God the Father as reparation for the sin of humanity.
I invite you to welcome this covenant of Jesus and Mary, which is now a real and living Covenant, because everyone can join this Covenant of the Two Hearts through the Apostolate. The Apostolate is the Covenant of the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary open on earth for all men.
My Chaste and Loving Heart, through the Holy Spirit, was the first human heart to unite and live this Covenant of Redemption.
Listen attentively to our Calls to Love and Conversion.
With my Paternal Blessing I bless and love you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin.