I am Saint Michael. I come with my sword and in it the embracing fire; it is the Fire of Divine Love that lights this Glorious Sword.
Today, I come to join you and to be with you in prayer, I come to consecrate you as the MARIAN ARMY, an army that will triumph with my guidance and protection, but especially with my Intercession and that of the Blessed Mother, I come to give you the Glorious Sword of Battle and Love. Love that has also been given to every heart, pray, pray and defeat Satan and his followers with me. Today I come in glory and majesty, each one of you is an apostle, you are the apostles of prayer, warriors of love and soldiers of Christ the King and Mary the Queen of the Universe.
I always fight with you, I am here since the beginning of the prayer, you are my warriors and soldiers who will lead the triumph of the Church and the EUCHARISTIC Reign of JESUS will come at last through the IMMACULATE HEART of MARY.
I defend you with my Glorious Sword.
I cover you with My Mantle.
I protect you with My Intercession.