With my Apostolate I come to renew the devotion of the first Fridays of each month.
These first Fridays must be perpetually practiced by my apostles. Through Saint Margaret I began the work of my Sacred Heart, and with my Apostolate I come to give it its plenitude and culminate it.
The first Fridays of each month must be practiced, with all your heart, all your life. On the first Friday, confess your sins, receive my Eucharistic Heart in the Blessed Sacrament, perform a corporal or spiritual work of charity and pray the Chaplet of Reparation to the Most Holy Trinity.
All the apostles of my Sacred Heart, who do this, will see miracles in their lives and will not leave for the eternal without first having received the Sacraments.
I, the Divine Master, desire and ask that Cenacles of Prayer of our Sacred Hearts be formed all over the world so that the Reign of Peace may come.
With my Apostolate I will give total fulfillment to the promises of my Sacred Heart, therefore, open your hearts and be one with me, so that you may live and enjoy my promises.
With merciful love I bless you.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.