Commentary by the instrument:
God the Tender and Merciful Father, is with us. At the height of His breast, beneath the Holy Spirit, He holds the three hearts of Jesus, Our Lady, and Our Father Saint Joseph, crowned by the Spirit.
Beloved children have been given a light to these people walking in the desert. A road has been paved so all my children may pilgrimage to divine holiness.
This is the Apostolate, and in this way, there are three tents of salvation: The Tabernacle of the Heart of Saint Joseph leads them to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Tabernacle of the Immaculate leads them to the Heart of the Word. The Tabernacle of the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus is the door to meet me, your merciful Father.
The light that illuminates this pilgrimage of holiness is the Holy Spirit.
The Work of the Apostolate, dear children, is a gift. The gift given to the soul that offers its FIAT to the United Hearts is love for the Church, sanctification through the sacraments, and the living encounter with the kerygma. The gift that I give to those who accept the Opus Magnum is an ardent and burning love for the Church because the Church must go on a pilgrimage through the three dwellings, tents, and tabernacles.
And in a foreshadowed way, I have been revealing it through time. Still, in a fuller way, more, in this time, I reveal that the way of holiness which has always existed for the Church and humanity, but that in a renewed, effective, urgent, and pressing way, I reveal it now is the pilgrimage of holiness through the Three Sacred Hearts.
From my Three Tabernacles of Love: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without original sin.
