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March 13, 2014 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

God’s life in Me 

The Holy Mother:

Children, God was my God, but he was also and is my Father. Only with obedience and humility can one be pleasing in His eyes; obedient in fulfilling His Words, as I was at the time of the Incarnation. Just as my womb was delivered from sin and consecrated to my Son Jesus, so I was preserved to say “Yes”; “Yes” in pain, “Yes” in trials, “Yes”… I was clear about my mission to be the Mother of the Son of God.

I am, I have been the center of this great mystery, my Womb was the Shrine of the Father, the Throne of the Son, and the Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. That is why I am obedient, I am humble, because I left my being totally for Him. I am humble because I gave Him my Womb to give birth to his Son. I am humble to welcome you all into my Womb from the Cross. When my Son said on the Cross “Woman, behold your son”, from that moment my Womb opened and continually opens, for you.

Allow yourselves to be formed by me, come closer to the Light. Allow that the Immaculate Flesh of the Son, which is my flesh; allow that the Most Precious Blood of Christ, which is my Blood, merge in you, fill you and free you of this impure flesh that you have let be contaminated with sin. Allow that I form you; that I take you; that I give birth of you for Heaven, for Christ, for the Father. Form yourselves, educate yourselves, and grow with this Mother; Mother of sorrow, Mother of love, but more, Mother of all you sinners. I will guide you; I will gestate in you a New Humanity for the Glory of Christ.

My Son is coming soon, and has charged me since the beginning of the Church, to take the Light; to guide and form all my children, to prepare them for the new humanity, who allow to be redeemed; humanity which allows to be guided; humanity that allows to be led. I am here for this with a Mother’s Love, with my maternal accompaniment, and I want to lead you to Jesus. I, as Good Mother, want the light and salvation, the knowledge of God for you. I come to call you again; accept My Calls for Love to humanity, and enter in the school of the Divine Spirit, my Most Pure and Immaculate Womb. So be it. My little ones, allow that I bear you for God, for Heaven. Amen.

Commentary by the instrument:

The Blessed Mother asked me to explain these great virtues of obedience and humility. These great virtues are the key to a good spiritual growth because the prophets were humble and obedient. Our kind Redeemer was humble, he did not boast of his divine condition, but he lowered himself, he became one of us. He lived according to our nature, not according to the flesh, but according to our limited humanity, poor, with difficulties, fears, works, tiredness, pain. The humble one par excellence was formed in obedience to his parents.

Jesus, the only begotten Son of the Father, became incarnate in the Womb of a creature that came from the Heart of the Father. The Lord became incarnate, lowered himself, with humility to our condition and became man by obedience to the Father. But we cannot speak of obedience and humility without love, love for the Father. It is love that leads us to humility, that is, to recognize ourselves as creatures, children of the Father, and thus we will arrive at obedience. Mary is the most humble at the moment of the Fiat and the most obedient by recognizing, accepting, obeying and placing, in the first place, the Will that is loved by the Father. By practicing with love, humility and obedience, we will become more like Jesus and recognize the Will of the Father, as did the Blessed Mother. So be it.

Praise be to Jesus Christ, with our Blessed Mother, be forever praised.

Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin.


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